Day 2 - 10月29日 星期六 天陰有雨
Launceston - Cataract Gorge - Launceston City Walk - Lavender House - Low Head - Tamar Valley (177 km)
住宿: Tamar Cove Motel (AUD119)
今天先到位於Hotel Grand Chancellor嘅Avis攞車
今次租咗架Camry油電混合車, 除咗車租平啲, 仲想睇下可唔可以, 慳番啲油錢, 不過車尾箱有個電池, 放行李嘅地方會細咗, 差啲2個26"喼都唔係太啱位放, 另外GPS就無租, 而係用iPhone嘅NavFree, 係一個Free apps, 都幾準
第一站去Cataract Gorge
在公園內可以乘吊椅登山, 唔坐的話, 行都係10分鐘路程
我覺得個公園, 最特別係啲孔雀可以自由活動, 而我就是第一次見到孔雀開屏
然後去咗Pepper Seaport Hotel附近海邊行吓
再回市中心四處看看, 可以看見周圍都保留咗好多舊建築物, 而好多都加以活化作其它用途
在澳洲到處都會有pie買, 所以買個試下
跟著去Motel Check-in, Motel的外觀及房內環境
再到附近Rowella的薰衣草園Lavender House The Perfumery (Rowella Lavender House)
因為還未到薰衣草盛開期, 所以花不多
在這裡園主告知, 薰衣草是有很多顏色, 這裡就種有粉紅色, 黃色, 白色等等, 由於他巳經準備收鋪回家, 叫我哋自己周圍參觀, 還可以試下採摘及捽下啲花瓣, 就會感受到薰衣草的濃烈氣味
今晚晚餐在Motel的餐廳內, 幾好味, 不過個Tasmanian Oysters Kilpatrick味道太濃, 把蠔味完全蓋過
駕世遊: 你好! 根據你的資料, 我都在iPhone download 咗 NavFree, 但係唔試用?
回覆刪除[anissa回覆08/10/2012 16:35:03]You are really really so nice. Thank you so much. Let me try and advise you.
[版主回覆08/09/2012 22:16:22]Here below are the procedures:-
1. Make sure the version is Navfree with Australia map, ie. Navfree Australia and NZ
2. start the program
3. press the arrow icon at the right buttom corner to get into the menu
4. press "Find" icon, then you can see there are several ways to set the destination. I tried some of them but prefered to use the method using teh address. So, the procedures is using by destination address.
5. Press "Address" icon, then is asked to input the following information:
- State name, e.g. Tasmania
- City name e.g. Launceston
- Street e.g. Cameron
- House number e.g. 20
6. Then press "Search" to start the searching
7. Select the suitable destination from the search result. The selected destination will be shown in the map. If it is correct, then you can press "option" button to show the details of the destination. Now, you can save it to "Favourites".
8. When you need to nagivate to the destination that saved in Step 7, you can go to menu, press "Navigate" icon -> "Favorites" icon -> select the destination.
Then press "Route Here" at the buttom menu.
駕世遊: 以上在 Motel 晚餐貴唔貴呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2012 21:36:11]Soup = AUD 8.9
Oyster (1/2 dozens) = AUS 18
Steak = AUS 29
Rice with scollops = AUS 19.9
Dessert = AUS 15.5
For details, you can refer her menu by the below link:
回覆刪除租混能車抵唔抵?用少D 油,但車租貴.
另外NavFree 好唔好用. 例如去CRADLE MOUNTAIN 準唔準確?
[版主回覆07/21/2013 11:57:53]我係Avis租車, 於Launceston的Hotel Grand Chancellor分店攞車, 當時比較了在Tasmania 租Camry的混能車及油車, 混能車車租較平
於這個旅程中, 在Tasmania, 租了9日Camry混能車, 油費每公里約HKD1.25/litre, 而在Melbourne, 租了3日Camry油車, 油費每公里約HKD1.03/litre, 由於車程及車速不同, 很難直接比較, 但以結算來計, 反而混能車油費較貴
NavFree好準, over 95%都冇問題, Cradle Mountain都好準
我係Avis租車, 於Launceston的Hotel Grand Chancellor分店攞車, 當時比較了在Tasmania 租Camry的混能車及油車, 混能車車租較平
回覆刪除於這個旅程中, 在Tasmania, 租了9日Camry混能車, 油費每公里約HKD1.25/litre, 而在Melbourne, 租了3日Camry油車, 油費每公里約HKD1.03/litre, 由於車程及車速不同, 很難直接比較, 但以結算來計, 反而混能車油費較貴
NavFree好準, over 95%都冇問題, Cradle Mountain都好準